
Right-click the Quasar icon in your notification bar, and click Settings to access the settings menu. Here, users can change advanced options for Quasar, as well as any custom options provided by extensions.

General Settings

WebSocket Server port

The port the WebSocket Data Server runs on. (default: 13337)

Allow only Quasar widgets to connect to the WebSocket server?

Enable to only allow Quasar loaded widgets access to the WebSocket server (default: off)

Log to file?

Sets whether log messages are written to a file.

Log Level

Severity of log messages that are logged. (default: Warn)


Path to a Netscape formatted cookies.txt. These cookies will be loaded by all widgets.

App Launcher Settings

Commands available to App Launcher widgets can be configured under the Launcher page. See Setting up the App Launcher for more information.